Means of information disclosure
– The website of the organization that is the subject of information disclosure;
– Information disclosure system of the State Securities Commission;
– Websites of the Stock Exchange, other means of disclosing information in accordance with the Regulations of the Stock Exchange;
– Website of Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation;
– Other mass media as prescribed by law (print, electronic newspapers,…).

Principles of information disclosure
– The disclosure of information must be complete, accurate and timely.
– Subjects of information disclosure shall be responsible before law for the contents of published information. In case of changes in the contents of published information, the subjects of information disclosure must promptly and fully announce the changed contents and reasons for changes compared to previously announced information.
– When disclosing information, it must simultaneously report to the State Securities Commission and the organization where such securities are listed and registered for transactions on the contents of the disclosed information.
– The disclosure of information of the organization must be made by the legal representative or person authorized to disclose information. The disclosure of information of individuals is carried out by the individual himself or herself or authorized by another organization or individual.
– Subjects of information disclosure shall have to preserve and store published and reported information in accordance with law.
Pursuant to Clause 4 Article 4 of Circular 96/2020/TT-BTC stipulating that when disclosing information, a public company must do so through a legal representative or person authorized to disclose information.

Information disclosure
3.1. Disclosure of information on the registration of a public company
– A public company is responsible for announcing its becoming a public company together with the disclosure of information about the public company on the company’s website and the information disclosure system of the State Securities Commission.
3.2. Periodic information disclosure
– Audited annual financial statements, 06-month financial statements reviewed by an approved auditing organization, quarterly financial statements;
– Annual Report;
– Report on corporate governance;
– Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders;
– Other information as prescribed by law.

3.3. Disclosure of unusual information
– The company’s account at a foreign bank or bank branch is blocked at the request of a competent authority or when the payment service provider detects signs of fraud or law violation; accounts are allowed to resume operations after being blocked;
– Suspension of business; change the contents of business registration; revocation of the Certificate of Business Registration;
– Approving decisions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in accordance with law;
– Decision to buy back shares of the company;
– Decide on the reorganization of the enterprise, the dissolution of the enterprise; strategies, medium-term development plans and annual business plans;
– Change and appoint new insiders;
– Decide to buy, sell assets or carry out transactions with a value greater than 15% of the total assets of the company based on the most recent audited financial statements or the financial statements of the last 06 months reviewed;
– There are decisions sanctioning violations of tax laws, judgments and decisions of the Court that have taken legal effect related to the company’s operations; notice of the Court accepting the petition to open enterprise bankruptcy proceedings;
– There is a decision to prosecute against the company, its insiders;
– Approved or delisted at foreign stock exchanges;
– Other events as prescribed by the Minister of Finance.

3.4. Disclosure of information upon request
– The event seriously affects the legitimate interests of investors;
– There is information regarding the company that greatly affects the price of securities and it is necessary to confirm such information.
3.5. Disclosure of information about other activities of public companies
– Activities of offering, issuing, listing, registering transactions and reporting on capital use;
– Foreign ownership percentage;
– The transaction of buying back one’s own shares, selling treasury shares.
Obligation to disclose information
– Public companies are obliged to fully and accurately and promptly disclose periodic and unusual information in accordance with the securities law on disclosure of information to shareholders and the investment public.
– A public company must fully and accurately and promptly disclose other information if such information is likely to affect the price of securities and affect the decisions of shareholders and investors.
During the research process, if you have any questions, please contact us through the following information:
Address: 4th Floor, No. 05 Nguyen Thi Nhung, Van Phuc Urban Area, Thu Duc City, HCMC.
Email: info@k-associates.vn
Phone: (+84) 338747705 (Zalo, facebook, viber, Instagram)
Hotline: (+84) 937298177